Master Landscape Awards

Master Landscape of Distinction Awards 2022

By Design Concrete and Paving Team attended the Master landscape Awards this year. We a proud to say we are once again award winners!
 – Gold Award Mangere refugee centre commercial project over $100,000.00.
– Silver Award Solway house residential project up to $100,000.00
– Silver Award Tangaroa college commercial project up to $100,000.00
– Silver Award Onepoto school commercial project over $100,000.00
– Bronze Award permeable Remuera residential project Up to $100,000.00
– Bronze Award Toscana drive residential project over $100,000.00
By Design Concrete and Paving Team are proud to recognise Michael Dudley for being a finalist for 2022 and also winning an award for outstanding achievement excellence in innovation
– Michael Dudley competitor in young landscaper of the year finalist.
– Michael Dudley Award for outstanding achievement excellence in innovation award.
Huge Thank you to all our clients and businesses that supported us over the last 12 months, and especially our awesome team of craftsman and their dedication in delivering outstanding award winning projects


Nominated for this award, competing with other registered members of Master Landscapers New Zealand


GOLD AWARD for a Residential Project $150,000 and over.

SILVER AWARD for a Residential Project up to $50,000

SILVER AWARD for a Residential Project $50,000 – $150,000

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Get in touch below and let's create Your Design, By Design.

Peter Robinson Director Sales Manager By Design ConcreteHi, I'm Peter

I have over 40 years of hands-on experience in the concrete and paving industry, both here in New Zealand and in Australia.

Over this period I have built strong, trusting relationships with our suppliers, industry partners and clients. I'm proud of our team and our work, and to have so many returning customers calling us to work on new projects. Call me for a chat about your next paving or concrete job.

14 + 11 =

Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday

Office Location

Unit 1/24 Oakleigh Ave, Takanini
P.O. Box 549 Drury, Auckland, 2247

Sales Manager

Peter Robinson
021 34 66 66

Operations Manager

Darren Maxwell
021 08 14 18 14