Permeable Concrete New Zealand

Permeable Concrete NZ

Permeable concrete in New Zealand has become a rapidly developing sector within the hard-landscaping trade. The permeable concrete provides the optimal solution to surface and stormwater management. It naturally improves drainage through the unique design of the water management system.

At By Design Concrete and Paving, we partner with PCNZ to supply and install Permcon permeable concrete, which is designed specially to suit all New Zealand weather conditions. The use of Permcon permeable concrete reduces the amount of runoff by allowing it to drain through the base into the sub-base.

If you need more information or guidance please contact Peter Robinson at (09)2983269 or 021346666 today!

What is PERCOM Permeable Concrete and what makes it so special?

Permcon is a permeable concrete with high porosity developed by PCNZ.

You can use it for concrete flatwork applications that allow water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through it, thereby reducing stormwater runoff from a site and allowing groundwater recharge, meeting council requirements.

Permcon is designed to increase infiltration of water to the subsoil, act as a water retention system, and reduce high runoff rates during a storm event, providing a practical answer to the perennial problems of surface water flooding and watercourse contamination.

Permcon permeable concrete comes in a variety of colours to suit any style. This permeable concrete is ideal for driveways, footpath, and car parks.

Permeable Concrete NZ Page

Permeable Concrete NZ

What is the cost to install Permeable Pavement or Permcon Concrete in Auckland?

Permcon meets all New Zealand permeability requirements.
It is faster to install than conventional concrete, allowing you to deliver your projects faster with less construction time.
A cost-effective solution that is suitable for both small and large areas of coverage.

By Design Concrete and Paving are your authorised installers of Permcon throughout New Zealand. Contact us today for more information about permeable pavement cost for your project or if you have any questions regarding the permeable concrete services we provide.

Do you install Permeable Concrete in the Auckland Region?

Permeable concrete is becoming more and more popular in Auckland. We offer our installation services in both the Auckland and the Waikato Region.

Permeable concrete provides a solid ground surface which is strong enough to take heavy loads like cars and trucks and porous enough to allow water to reach the soil underneath.

The experts at By Design Concrete and Paving can give you more information on the permeable pavement cost and can supply you with all the materials you need.

Call us today on (09)2983269 or 021346666 to request a quote.

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We would be delighted to bring your vision to life.
Get in touch below and let's create Your Design, By Design.

Peter Robinson Director Sales Manager By Design ConcreteHi, I'm Peter

I have over 40 years of hands-on experience in the concrete and paving industry, both here in New Zealand and in Australia.

Over this period I have built strong, trusting relationships with our suppliers, industry partners and clients. I'm proud of our team and our work, and to have so many returning customers calling us to work on new projects. Call me for a chat about your next paving or concrete job.

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday

Office Location

Unit 1/24 Oakleigh Ave, Takanini
P.O. Box 549 Drury, Auckland, 2247

Sales Manager

Peter Robinson
021 34 66 66

Operations Manager

Darren Maxwell
021 08 14 18 14